Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. Gigglecream29 4.915 Points 03/26/2010
Silver Medal 2. Medusa 2.261 Points 07/25/2010
Bronze Medal 3. twilight 2.153 Points 05/30/2012
4. STW13 2.143 Points 11/19/2007
5. Sturka 1.841 Points 06/03/2017
6. CM PUNK ! 1.484 Points 04/13/2009
7. riselpone 1.474 Points 11/11/2009
8. lisbeth 1.418 Points 01/13/2008
9. stephanie 1.368 Points 12/08/2007
10. MKA91 1.315 Points 01/04/2010
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